Saturday 25 August 2007

Nelson v Wellington - Rugby

This afternoon Daddy went to watch the Nelson v Wellington rugby match. Harry was very confused as to who to support - his birth town Wellington, or Daddy's team Nelson?? Then he started to think about Taranaki too!!! Hmmm poor chap was very confused! He enjoyed dropping Daddy at the game and is very much looking forward to going along with him one day when he is a big boy. Poor Daddy..... Nelson lost :(

Daddy with his game face on - Harry doesn't know which way to look!

Cuddles in bed with Daddy

Harry enjoyed cuddles in bed with Daddy this morning. He was in a very happy mood after a big sleep, he had slept from 7pm to 5.50am and then had a feed and went back in to bed til 8.45am! What a star to allow Mummy and Daddy to have a little sleep-in! (I never thought that I would consider 8.45am a sleep-in!)

Harry and Mummy

Lovely Aunty Alison took some more photos of Harry and Mummy. Thanks lovely x

Lots of cute photos

More cute photos of a gorgeous babe! (We are not baised at all!!!!)

12 weeks

Everyone said it would go fast!! We just didn't believe it would go this fast! Our little baby is growing up! He is doing so well, at our last Plunket appointment he weighted in at a respectable 5.74kg and 60cms long, that is just below the 50th percentile for both his weight and height! AND.... as for the washing! It is never ending!!!!

First family photo shoot

As part of a fundraiser we had our first "professional" family photos taken (although we think Aunty Alison's photos almost count as professional!)! It was great we were able to overlap with the O'Brien family and get a nice group shot. Harry did really well, but sadly we weren't able to pull one of these huge big smiles out of him! These are just photos of the proofs we got - but they give you an idea of the photos.

All played out!

Harry love's his gym so much that he thought it would be a great place for a little nap after having a play!

Friday 17 August 2007

Chatting with Daddy

This was a very gorgeous scene, I walked in to find Harry and Daddy watching the news and having a chat about current affairs. He was ingrossed by both the happenings of the day and having a chance to chat with his best mate Daddy.

Sleepy babe

A sleepy boy with a full tum ready for bed ......

Harry's week

Harry's week, we really enjoyed our friend Ems coming to visit us from Auckland... she loved the Wellington sunshine!

Relaxing after a long day

11 weeks

Harry's latest trick is that he is starting to hit and grab toys. He seems to get very excited about his achievement when he gets something on his gym. He has also developed a high pitch squeal with excitement in the last few days ..... don't know where that comes from but it turns into a fun game to see who can squeal the loudest!


Harry wasn't the only babe in our street this week - while I was feeding Harry we spotted 6 little ducklings racing around with their Mummy duck out by our letter box! Very sweet.

Can't touch this!!

Very gorgeous one eyed babe coming home from an outing!

Wednesday 8 August 2007

10 Weeks

Our little baby has reached double digits already. Harry is doing so well, he has grown up so much in his 10 short weeks and he is a complete joy for his Mummy and Daddy. He has become very talkative this week, especially with Daddy when he gets home, wanting to discuss his day.

Big Boy Buggy

This week we changed Harry's buggy over from using the carrycot to the hammock. So Harry is now a big boy facing forward. Harry and Mummy very much enjoy getting the buggy's out with Aunty Alison and Robert today and going for a walk and lunch at the park. Looking forward to doing it more