Saturday 22 August 2009

Family Picnic

It is a gorgeous day here in Wellington, so we ended up heading out for a family picnic to Petone. We had a lovely picnic and then Harry & Daddy had a great time throwing stones into the sea, playing football on the beach and then Harry had a play at the playground. It was lovely! Bring on this sun! Spring is just around the corner - then summer!!!!

Harry & Daddy read Spot

Harry got some lovely books for his birthday. A current favourite is Spot, I think it may have something to do with the fact that it is "Spot goes to visit is Grandparents!!!" Harry LOVES it! You can tell he adores his Grandparents!

Harry & Robbie

Harry & Robbie had a great time bouncing on Harry's bed. Very sweet playing together x

Sunday 16 August 2009

Harry's going to be a big brother!!!!

Yes! Harry is going to be a big brother in just 2 short months! Very hard to believe, but our little family is expanding. Harry had a great time helpping Mummy and Daddy paint the Baby's room. Mummy and Granny made curtains for the room, and Nana has been busy knitting! We are all swinging into action! Can you guess whether Harry is going to have a little brother or sister?

Visit to Nana & Granddad

We had a great visit down to Nelson to see Nana and Granddad at the beginning of August. Highlights were visiting Great Nana D and Rosie the dog, feeding the ducks and playing at Tahuna Beach park. See you soon Nana and Granddad.