Monday 29 October 2007

5 Months old!

Over the weekend we were asked how old our gorgeous baby was - 4 months old was the answer, I was holding on to that for as long as I could! But the day has arrived - today Harry is 5 months old! What a gorgeous boy! He is very busy showing off his new trick of rolling from his back to his tummy and is very smiley and happy. It was lovely to see Gran today for Harry's Birthday and we headed off to Plunket too! Harry did really well and had a good weight gain and is still completely in proportion with his height and weight. He was very tried by the end of the Plunket visit and fell asleep on the 2 minute drive home. Our gorgeous baby........

Nana & Grandad come to visit

Nana and Grandad come up for the weekend to visit their gorgeous Grandson! Harry loved showing off his new tricks!

A thing of beauty!

Yes I know what you are thinking.... Harry! But we have a new beautiful member of our family to go along with Harry - a WONDERFUL new clothesline! Now people tried to warn me about the impending level of washing that would come along with Harry - lovely Aunty Alison even gave us some great pegs - BUT I just wasn't expecting the volumes that we get! SO when our old dodgy clothesline broke it was very exciting to find this item of beauty to replace it! It is so exciting and is drying our clothes in no time! Thank you so much Daddy and Grandad for digging out the old line and installing the new one!! It is amazing how ones focus on exciting purchases changes!!!

Busy Boy

Harry is a very busy little boy now! He currently needs distracting items for the change table - red cat is a favourite along with the tissue box!! He also tries to help with photos now by grabbing the camera!

Thursday 18 October 2007

Beary Beary Cute!!!

Harry was lent a very gorgeous little "bear" suit. Sadly he has never wore it as the weather has been so unpredictable we have always just gone with layers for him. But we wanted to see this gorgeous suit on him, so we popped him into it on Sunday - he looked so gorgeous! He seemed to enjoy the fashion show too!!! Cheeky little bear!

Thursday 11 October 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

On Tuesday Daddy celebrated his first birthday as a Daddy! Harry was very excited to help Daddy celebrate. Mummy and Harry met Daddy for lunch and Harry helped Daddy open more presents when he got home! Harry enjoyed reading Daddy's cards and is very excited that Daddy got a little football to kick around with him, Harry has a very strong kick already! Daddy was very excited to get a scrabble board too - it won't be too long before Harry is challenging him in a game! Harry also made Daddy a cake and wrote Dad x on it, he thought the candles were amazing! A very special day for Daddy and his babe Harry, Happy Birthday Daddy xoxoxo.

4 Months old!

We meant to post a photo of little Harry on his 4 month here is Harry at exactly 4 months old!

Monday 1 October 2007

Harry the Helicopter

Harry opened his first bank account today and got "Harry the Helicopter" for making his first deposit! As you can see Harry is enjoying getting familiar with his helicopter and saving!!!!

Harry and his buddy Ryan

Harry had his buddy from our antenatal group round for lunch on Saturday. Harry and Ryan played really well together. Good boys! .... the Dad's played nicely too!

Harry enjoying his bath

Harry.... and duckie of course! He is looking a little concerned, but he really does enjoy his bath for the most part!

Harry's first trip to Nelson

Weekend before last Harry made his first special trip down to Nelson. He loved staying at Nana and Grandad's and meeting Great Nana Fletcher and Great Nana Fenemor. He was very lucky to have everything ready for him down there, thanks Nana and Grandad, he is a very lucky boy! He thought the warm weather was great and he loved kicking around in his singlet! He is very excited that this is the first of many trips down south.

Harry and Great Nana Fletcher

Harry and Great Nana Fenemor

Harry and Nana

Harry and Grandad

Four generations of Fletcher's

Four generations of Fenemor's

Harry just relaxing in the Nelson heat!