Wednesday 19 March 2008


A boy with attitude!!!!! So gorgeous!

Sleep habit?!?

No Harry isn't in the naughty corner.... this is how he choose to sleep when his safe T sleep was in the wash!!!! Odd that he only slept for 20 mins like this!!!!


Here was Harry having a vegemite sandwich when all of a sudden........

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Harry likes to play in boxes

Who needs toys? Not Harry!!

Welcome Home Aunty Janya and Uncle James

We are really thrilled to have Aunty Janya and Uncle James home. It has been great to introduce them to our boys and catchup as a family. Tommy and Uncle John made a lovely belated birthday cake for Aunty Janya and Uncle James, the first of lots of celebrations ahead. Really lovely to have you home!


Finally after waiting almost 2 years, and enduring 9 months of a dripping shower, we have finally had a new shower installed.
It was worth the wait!!

Happy 9 Months

Where have the last 9 months gone? As somebody commented Harry has now been 'out' for as long as he was 'in'! For Harry's 9 month birthday, we had a lovely time at the park with Oscar and Melissa.
