Tuesday 30 December 2008

We have been busy.....................TRULY!!!

Well..... where have the last 3 months gone? Probably we could ask where have the last 12 months gone???? Yes there was a bit of a gap in our Blog, but things ran away on us. However - 3 hours later and we are all up to date now - so stroll down and enjoy!

The last 3 months have seen a huge shift for us. We moved about 3 times in the space of 2 weeks and then got stuck into building walls, knocking walls down, removing fire places, and dust....oh so much dust!!!! BUT we are finally making progress and making this our home and Harry is very much into DIY!!! Gran is well settled in her home downstairs and we enjoy our visits with her (and the trainset!!) Our "highs" of the last 3 months have been finishing Harry's room - complete with the curtains made by Mum and Gran! And our beautiful kitchen! It is wonderful and even better now that we have unpacked it!!! That only happened a couple of days ago!!!

Anyway, we are starting to function again and really enjoying catching up with people again. Thank you to all of our family and friends for our incredible support over the last year, it hasn't been an easy one and we have really appreciated your cooking, cleaning, wallpaper striping, Harry distracting, coffee...... and so the list goes on! We are so looking forward to celebrating many many many happy times ahead in our new home - bring on 2009....we are ready!!!!!!!!

This is a drawing of the scafolding the builders suggested we used - needless to say it didn't happen!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The kitchen and dining room look fantastic. Great job


Nana and Grandad